A new easter egg (After find it you can see it again how many times you want) Back to base: New skill that teleports you back to your base (avaiable at level 2).

New save option in the bag: You can now save the game in any map. New Potions: Now you can use 3 different potions in and out of battle. Changes in the battle system to let the game more challenger. Bag reworked: New interface and more info for each Pussymon. New Hunt System: You can find the same Pussymon specie with alternate levels and in alternate areas. Name System: You can now give names for your Pussymon. Rank System: Besides the level, the rank also influences the strenght of each Pussymon (3 ranks for now). New Level system: You can now train, catch and face Pussymon from different levels, (3 levels for now).

Reworked original elemental chart with 9 elements (check it in the bag for more details.) With this episode, there's now 66 original Pussymon, there's much more to come and I also intend to bring some new interactions/scenes with Pussymon already released, so let me know what's your favorite Pussymon till now. Special Thanks to my +200 Patrons, my + 1700 fans on newgrounds and my other fans and friends, also thanks blah007, Guy Fawkes Guy and ruuse542 for the text review. Thanks for everyone who's supporting me in this big project, there's more to come next month.
Here's the Pussymon monthly update, this month I'm bringing a very big update, probably the biggest update till now, there's lots of new stuff like items, mechanichs and options. New Sleep/Rest option in the bag (You can now recover energy in any map). 08 new Pussymon (10 avaiable to catch). 12 Areas (05 Pussymon Hunter Society areas and 7 hunt areas). Here's Pussymon: Episode 15, in this one I'm bringing 8 new Pussymon, a new easter egg, new mechanichs and some new options in game. Side Quest:The side quest will start automatically after some days in game (more precisely if you sleep instead of faint in battle), follow the tips in the quest log to know what to do next.Thanks for everyone who's supporting me in this big project. Here's Pussymon Episode 16, in this one we have 8 new Pussymon (9 counting the new character), 10 new animations, new quest log, side quest and more. The Waited "Battle" between Lizardish and Lepllanny. 5 possible ends (2 of them revealing 2 upcoming Master Forms) 23 new animations (Among variations, story scenes and interactions) 07 New Pussymon and a new character (DARA)
In this update instead of hunt you will need to tame the Pussymon by defeating they in some new mini-games (I made the games easy for now, let me know it's too easy so I can make them hard in the full version) also I'm bringing 7 new Pussymon with 3 scenes to each one, 5 possible ends (two of them reveal 2 upcoming Master Forms), and in this update there's also something that many people was asking and waiting for, the battle of Lizardish and Lepllanny (In the Pussymon way, of course). How is focused in the Myth of Hydragodon this episode is also a Special one. What's up guys, here's the Pussymon Episode 17, I think that now this is the biggest update I made so far, there's lots of new things, animations, story and more.
I still intend to improve a lot the battle system in many ways with each episode, now answering your side notes:ġ: The code you can get as a supporter unlock a cheat manager to give you money,quest items, candy, potions and other things in game, also give you access to a unused art/Pussymon gallery.Ģ: There's no easter egg in episode 07, but in future we gonna visit Sarah's farm again and probably we gonna find Bullseism having fun with her.ģ: Thanks for report the grammar error It will be probably fixed in the next episode.Pussymon 17.swf I am commenting on this error because it has been in the game from episode 1 and it is driving me bonckers First you spell it as don't, second grammatically it should be "You didn't catch this Pussymon yet" Side note 3: if you click on a pussymon you don't have yet in your bag it says "You dont catch this pussymon yet". I was hoping for some bull action, but could not find any. Side note 2: are there easter eggs in episode 7.

$10 gets you cheat codes, but what are they for? Side note 1: what do the cheats entail? I am thinking about throwing you a couple of bucks on patreon. Was wondering about this since elements were introduced two episodes back Spartacus Wrote:I like the new elemental aspect.